Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The improbable impossible: DentonRadio.com

How many cities could boast a 24 hour a day radio station that played only artists from that city?  Surely your mind thinks of cities like New York, L.A., London, Paris or even smaller places like Seattle, Austin or Nashville that merely number just over a million people in the population.  So the idea of starting radio station devoted to the artists of a town of just over 100,000 residents seems improbable and that after about a day or two the well would run dry.   Not so, says founder of DentonRadio.com Jake Laughlin, in this exclusive interview   In the interest of full disclosure Jake is my friend so it wasn't hard to get an interview. 

What is your vision for the radio station? 
 “I want DentonRadio.com to become a tool that shows people what Denton has to offer (music, businesses, etc.)! I hear people say all of the time “there is nothing to do in Denton,” but that’s ridiculous! With all of the artists, music, venues, and cool stuff around town a person can get exhausted just trying to decide what to do! If there was something that could let the ‘bored’ people know what’s going on…”
What were some of the biggest challenges to getting the station started? 
 “Well, I had absolutely NO money when this idea first occurred, so we had to crowd fund it and get and a lot of businesses donate time and resources to get to this point, and that took quite a while!”
What does an artist have to do to get his material on Denton radio.com? 
 “All they have to do is come to Banter Bistro on any Thursday at 7 and register! We also prefer that they bring their tunes to us on a CD with them (though they can email them to us if necessary). Also, just to make sure we will be there that week (there are some weeks we are not) they should send us an email at Contact@DentonRadio.com.”
Any additional information you think we should know?
“Additional info? Hmmm… All I can say is ‘BIG things are coming!

And with what we've seen Jake accomplish so far, there is no doubt that big things are in store for the Denton music scene and Dentonradio.com

See also: Doggie Time
               DentonRadio The Blog

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